Category: Webinar

  • Book Launch: Dreams of Flight

    Book Launch: Dreams of Flight

    Hello friends, I’m thrilled to announce this public, online launch for _Dreams of Flight_, where I’ll be honoured to be joined by Prof Tejaswini Niranjana in conversation about the book, followed by public Q&A and discussion. Please join us on Sat March 12, AEDT5pm, on Zoom (details below). To buy the book at a 30%…

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  • Launch of Centre for Cultural Research and Development, Lingnan University

      Launch of Centre for Cultural Research and Development Lingnan University, Hong Kong 30 November 2020, 4-6 PM (Singapore/Hong Kong) Register here:  Co-hosted by the NUS Cultural Research Centre and the Inter-Asia Cultural Studies Society, this event is to celebrate the launch of the Centre for Cultural Research and Development at Lingnan University in Hong…

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  • IACS Webinar-Inter-Asia Book Launch Roundtable

    IACS Webinar-Inter-Asia Book Launch Roundtable

    IACS Webinar Inter-Asia Book Launch Roundtable to mark the publication of Tejaswini Niranjana’s new book Musicophilia in Mumbai: Performing Subjects and the Metropolitan Unconscious In Musicophilia in Mumbai Tejaswini Niranjana traces the place of Hindustani classical music in Mumbai throughout the long twentieth century as the city moved from being a seat of British colonial power to…

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