Category: IACS Dissertation Prize

  • Call for Nominations: 2025 Inter-Asia Cultural Studies Dissertation Prize

    Call for Nominations: 2025 Inter-Asia Cultural Studies Dissertation Prize

    — To encourage critical scholarship in inter-Asia cultural studies and to recognize and honor emerging and exciting research in the field, the IACS Society invites nominations for the 2nd IACS Dissertation Prize.  — We accept nominations of Ph.D. candidates or recent graduates whose final dissertations (i.e. fully completed dissertations that have already gone through all review, defence/viva,…

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    — This year, we received ten strong submissions from the network of inter-Asia cultural studies, from Hong Kong, Australia, Singapore, and Taiwan. All dissertations were carefully reviewed by our judging panel, consisting of Profs Tejaswini Niranjana (chair), Chua Beng Huat, Melani Budianta, Roberto Castillo, and Anneke Coppoolse, which speaks highly of the submitted work as…

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  • IACS Dissertation Prize Finalists

    IACS Dissertation Prize Finalists

    — In January 2023, the IACS set up the IACS Dissertation Prize to encourage the critical scholarship in inter-Asia cultural studies. The prize will be granted every two years to recognize and honour the emerging and exciting research in the field. For this round, the period in which dissertations are considered are from August 1, 2021 to July…

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